Tuesday, May 27, 2014

5 Unique Steps to Burn Your Belly Fat

There is nothing to be proud to have distended abdomen. What you have to do is how to get your stomach in a good shape. Doesn't have to sixpack but good shape, have a flatter stomach can make you live longer because of the risk of disease due to a distended stomach will leave you or maybe your woman will leave you. So these 5 tricks down below may useful for you, it wouldn't be hurt to try. Go healthy!!

1. Eat in Magic Time

You should eat foods with high protein between the hours of 3-4 pm . Sources of protein can be obtained from the protein bars , almonds or nuts. Whatever happens, do not skip meals with the right snacks . This is important because it can improve metabolism and blood sugar control .

2.  Try Boxing

Bored with regular cardio exercise ? easy ! Try a boxing workout . When you hit sansak with proper technique that works the muscles are the muscles of your midsection , including your abdominal muscles. Add intensity to blow up speed toward sansak . This will train your abdominal muscles and burn more calories in one motion exercises.

3. Laughing

Yes , laughing . Laugh can train your abdominal muscles to contract to the maximum so that the muscles in the midsection will be well trained . Even in yoga , there is a special class of laughter exercises are provided for those who want to try new ways of improving their physical fitness.

4. Exercise With Ball

Do exercises using exercise balls 3 times a week . The trick, lying supine with both hands above his head holding an exercise ball . Simultaneously, lift your hands and your feet to the top of the stomach . Repeat 10-12 reps.

5. Less Sugar

Eat a minimum of sugar a day . This will keep the body's insulin levels low and maintain high levels of glucagon . Glucagon is a hormone that can fight fat throughout the body and helps metabolize fat into energy.  

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