Saturday, June 7, 2014

American Hustle, The Quotes

This movie is just brilliant, not because won so many awards and nominated for Oscar. Well American Hustle won in Golden Globe for best performance by an actress ( Amy Adams ) and best performance by an actress in supporting role ( Jennifer Lawrence ). Won in BAFTA Awards and still many more. All the cast were like go all out in this movie, performed something else. Christian Bale, for me a glint thought about Christian Bale is Bruce Wayne and what did we see? transformed into bald fat guy, that was superb. Jeremy Renner, the very action actor but no action play from this movie, Jennifer Lawrence played smart dirty role and so does with Amy Adams, they won award by the way. This movie teach us many things, despite the screen play is about bullshit people around, about fraud. Yes it is, but we don't have to follow up the negativity. Don't see this movie from fraud point of view, you will get nothing. Just take the positive side, and you will find some great positivity from this movie. I will put some quotes from my own point of view. And probably will inspire you not to give up in this life. Be hustle or you be nothing. So check out my chosen quotes from this movie.

Whatever's Meant To Be Is Meant To Be, Whatever's Meant To Be Will Be

God always has a plan for us. What happened and what will happen will have a purpose. So, whatever is good or bad, don't give up or don't get mad with the situation. It happened, just believe that there is something behind it, a purpose that whatever is it will bring good impact for us in the days after.

Sometimes in Life, All You Have Are Fucked Up

Yes, we can't always have good things in life, you just can't. There is bumpy road in this life and you have to pass and go through it. Life is like a circle, sometimes we are at the top sometimes we are at the bottom. Then when we are at the bottom, it seems all we have are fucked up, everything are fucked up, indeed. Don't worry, something we may fucked up but don't give be hustle then we will get the top and better place.

You Played it Safe, So There Was Always A Danger

Don't play safe, why? these days, life is a competition. At work, at school. When you already have a good place and you just play safe, with no innovation, or new thing to make your place better then your competitor is on hustle pursuit to get your place, it's danger. Their steps are 2-3 steps forward than you because you just play it safe. Be aware and keep hustle, renew your motivation, your life attitude, spirit. Today should be better than yesterday.

People Were Always Conning Each Other To Get What They Wanted

This movie is about a brilliant con artist, played by Christian Bale. A con man, with or without we realize it we are all a con artist. We always conning our friends or any others to get what we want. But, depend on how good are you to be a con man or you are the one who get con. 

The Art World is a Small World 

The art world, a painting, manuscript, or any kinds of an arts. Is that legitimate or fake? that's common question. For common people, if it showed in museum they will think it's legitimate art, we don't know actually. Because we're not people who live in art world, there is only few people that know the real thing related to the art world. It's a small world.

People Believe What They Want To Believe

You just believe in something that even you don't know anything about it because you want to believe it. If you already believe in something, you just keep your steps on it without looking for the actual information or fact about it. If it's good that would be just fine but what about not? just be careful. Don't believe in something, someone so easily without you know them well.

People, The More You Say No, The More They Want in On Something 

I think it's about curiosity, there is an interesting topic or maybe a case. You and your friends, you are the one who know about it then your friends asking you about it but you say no. Don't you think it will stop your friend to know about it? they will keep hustle to know about it.

To Get Millions, You Need Millions

Let's talk not about millions in money term, make it general. If you want to chase something big, you need to go hard on it. You can't expect something big while your effort are just small. Big prize, big effort.

The Art Of Survival is A Story That Never Ends

That's it! For me that's what this movie tells about. The art of survival! It is will be never end. Every single people have their own survival story. Problem, no matter what that is all you have to do just keep hustle to find the way out. That's the art of survival.


Be The Hustle


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